When building your web page you will be required to have at least 7 of the following pages complete with content.
1. Class Calendar
2. Relevant links for students to learn more about content. Also, for you to learn more about the subject matter. For help in this area, check our Teachers' "Subject Matter" Section. 3. EDUCATIONAL WEBSITES AND OUTSIDE CONTENT Several of my students’ parents mentioned that they want to see links for educational websites that can be used with their children. And if your school uses a program with an online component, such as Accelerated Math or Accelerated Reading, parents may want easy access to that website through yours. Providing links to online textbooks or other references can also be helpful. My website includes a list of interesting or educationally valuable websites that I know my students would enjoy exploring, even if the topics are not necessarily part of our course content. My students have to use these websites for class projects on occasion, but I have students who choose to explore some of them on their own. Additionally, these lists of valuable content are extremely useful when you’re doing a lesson in the computer lab and you have students finish early. You’ll already have a large selection of approved educational websites from which they can choose to enrich their extra time. 4. Contact Information- This can include ways that students or parents can contact you. However, you may not want to include your home phone or any personal information. There are ways to set-up a separate e-mail account just for your professional use. You can do that by clicking here. 5. Materials- Anything important that you hand out in class can be posted on-line. 6. Class Rules and Guidelines- In this section, you can explain what materials your students need for your class and any other consistent information that students > need to be successful in your class. 7. Homework- Posting of assignments helps to keep students on track. This section can also offer students help with any assignments. This section can also be a depository for what students need to accomplish and a reminder of what needs to be done. 8. Biography- Tell students about your academic and professional background. You can also include interests, accomplishments, etc. 9. Course Description- Explain what students will be learning, goals, objectives, procedures that will be used in teaching and learning, timelines, etc. 10. Your Most Favorite Sites- Share the educational sites or student-centered sites that you visit the most. 11. Information for Parents- This is information you want parents to know that can help you to achieve educational goals. It is a great way to get parents actively involved in a partnership role. 12. Announcements/Events/Timelines- This is an efficient method of communicating anything that needs to be publicized. If you decide to venture into the world of communicating with parents via a website, it is absolutely critical that you make time to update the website on a daily basis. If you’re going to give parents this tool and expect them to use it, it has to be useful to them. Seeing the homework posted for March 5 on April 27 is not useful. 13. Links to State or National Curriculum- This can supply curriculum information to parents. It also helps in developing credibility as a professional. Another important benefit is that you have this information available to you at any given time. 14. Teacher Resources- This is where you will save all of your documents, files, Smart Notebook applications, Prezi's, Power Points, etc. This section will expand as you become a teacher because you will want to organize your content area into different pages. |